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10 October 2019
Wisbech Museum asks supporters to commit an affordable sum each month

The Wisbech and Fenland Museum can't survive without support from the local community whose heritage it is dedicated to saving for now and the future.
The museum already has the essential support of a brilliant band of volunteers working without pay to back up its tiny professional staff, and more volunteers offering anything from people skills to specific expertise are always needed and welcome.
But since losing its annual Fenland District Council grant the museum also needs more regular cash coming in to supplement funding for running costs if it's to stay open free to everyone – so the trustees have set up a new Supporters Circle to enable supporters to contribute a regular sum.
Trustees' vice-chairman David Ball said: “Enormous progress has been made since Fenland District Council decided to remove all funding but we know that there are many people out there who want to be involved by helping financially on a regular basis.
“The museum cannot keep going in its present form unless we succeed in persuading as many local people as possible to join us in this combined effort.”
The purpose-built early Victorian museum is one of the oldest in the country. It makes the history of the area and its people and their involvement with the wider world come alive for adults and children alike.
People can join the Circle by contributing at whatever level they choose – Townshend at £20 per month, Peckover at £10 per month or Clarkson at £5 per month.
It is hoped that supporters will join online using direct debit through the museum website www.wisbechmuseum.org.uk Just click 'Join and Support Us' and go to Supporters Circle. Others who prefer to use paper can join by standing order using a leaflet which is now available in the museum reception area.
Image copyright: Patricia Barnes/Historic England

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